Additional Resources for CSS Candidates

SWE offers an instructor-led online prep class as well as a range of other educational activities and resources for CSS Candidates. Some of these are listed below:

CSS 2025 Study Guide COVER v1 8The CSS Study Guide: The 230-page Certified Specialist of Spirits Study Guide covers all of the information needed to prepare for and pass the CSS Certification exam. This full-color, paperback textbook includes information on the fermentation and distillation, service, and mixology—as well as chapters specific to the major styles of distilled spirits to include vodka, gin, whisky, brandy and other fruit spirits, rum and other cane spirits, agave spirits, liqueurs, and bitters. The study guide is fully illustrated and includes full-color maps of the leading spirit-producing regions of the world.  questions on the CSS exam are referenced from the material in the study guide! The study guide is available in paperback via Amazon; the cost is $59.

The CSS Workbook: A workbook to accompany the 2025 Certified Specialist of Spirits Study Guide is now available. The workbook contains over 1,700 exercises and sample multiple-choice questions intended to promote understanding, retention, and engagement with the material. Click here to purchase the workbook via Amazon.  The workbook is available in paperback; the cost is $49.

The Insider’s Guide to the CSS Exam: Typically offered once a month, this hour-long webinar will cover all aspects of the CSS, including what the test covers, how difficult the test is, what type of questions to expect, the resources available to students, and how long SWE recommends for study before sitting the exam. This session is led by Jane A. Nickles, CSS, CWE (SWE’s Director of Education). The webinar is free-of-charge and available to the public.  Click here to find our complete webinar schedule, which includes the Insider’s Guide to the CSS Exam.



Online Prep Classes: SWE offers an instructor-led, 12-module online CSS Prep classes.  These classes are available free-of-charge to Professional Members of SWE who have a valid CSS Exam attendance credit (one class per exam credit). These classes include weekly Study Guide and workbook assignments, opportunities for further learning, weekly check-out quizzes, weekly “live, online” webinars, and recorded webinars as well. Click here for more information on the CSS prep classes.

Testing Centers: CSS testing is available throughout the world, by appointment, at Pearson Vue Professional Testing Centers. Within a few days of purchase of the CSS Exam credit, you will receive an email with an authorization code from Pearson Vue Testing Centers. The authorization code will allow you to make an appointment and sit the exam at a Pearson Vue Professional Center at the time and place of your choosing. Authorization codes are good for one year. Click here for more information about SWE testing at Pearson Vue Centers.



Online Proctoring: CSS exams are available via online proctoring for those that prefer to take their exam in the comfort of their home or office. You may schedule a proctored exam via Pearson Vue Testing Centers.

Practice Tests and Quizzes: We offer an online suite of three practice CSW exams as well as a slate of CSW quizzes, available on this platform. Please note that the website for the practice tests and quizzes is a different website than the SWE main site and will require a separate login. Note: be sure and select the edition that corresponds to the version of the study guide you are using!

Flashcards: We offer a suite of online flashcards (over 700 in total) based on the CSS Study Guide, available on this platform. Please note that the website for the flashcards (as well as the practice tests and quizzes) is a different website than the SWE main site and will require a separate login. Note: be sure and select the edition that corresponds to the version of the study guide you are using!

Spirits Maps: The maps and diagrams included in the CSS Study Guide are available for download on the member portal of the SWE website. r Candidates are encouraged to print out full-page copies of the maps and mark them up to their hearts’ content as a method of active study. These maps may also be used to study digitally on either a desktop or a mobile device. Click here to find these materials.

Webinars: In addition to the online prep classes, we offer occasional members-only webinars that are of interest to spirits enthusiasts. These sessions are often deep-dives based on the CSS Study Guide and associated topics (wine-related topics are offered as well). Click here to see the current schedule.

If you have any questions about the CSS Exam or any of SWE’s other programs, please contact SWE’s Director of Education at:


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