Welcome to the World, Van Duzer Corridor AVA!



The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade and Tax Bureau (TTB) of the United States has approved a new American Viticultural Area (AVA), to be known as the Van Duzer Corridor AVA. The new AVA—covering approximately 59,871 acres in portions of Polk and Yamhill Counties in Oregon—lies directly to the west of (and along the western border of) the Eola-Amity Hills AVA, and is entirely within the boundaries of established Willamette Valley AVA. This brings the total number of AVAs in the US to 244, and a total of 19 in Oregon.

The Van Duzer Corridor AVA will be in effect as of January 14, 2019.  According to the TTB’s statement, there are 18 commercially-producing vineyards covering a total of approximately 1,000 acres of vines and 6 wineries—including Van Duzer Vineyards, Firesteed Winery, and Left Coast Cellars—located within the boundaries of the new AVA.

Map of the Van Duzer Corridor AVA, via the original petition (TTB website)

Map of the Van Duzer Corridor AVA, via the original petition (TTB website)

The AVA petition acknowledges that the area within the Van Duzer Corridor shares many features with the surrounding areas; however, the region is sufficiently unique to have been established as a separate AVA…particularly due to its winds. The distinguishing features of the area include the following:

  • The elevation: The Van Duzer Corridor itself is a narrow tunnel-like “wind gap” (area of low elevation) tucked into the Coastal Ranges. Commercial vineyards in the area are planted at an elevations ranging from 150 feet to 650 feet above sea level.  The areas located to the north, south, and west of the Van Duzer Corridor AVA are far more mountainous, with elevations ranging from 600 feet to 2,000 feet above sea level.
  • The winds: The new AVA is located at the eastern edge of this wind gap where the tunnel-like area of low elevation expands into a wide  region of rolling hills that allow the cool, eastward-flowing marine air to flow relatively unimpeded. According to the petition, the average daily wine speed in the Van Duzer Corridor AVA is approximately 10 miles per hour—nearly twice the average speed of the surrounding areas.
  • The climate: The average temperature of the Van Duzer Corridor AVA is consistently cooler than the surrounding areas. The Van Duzer Corridor area averages several hundred cumulative degree days fewer than the surrounding areas during the growing season. For instance, in 2014, the McMinnville AVA had a total of 2819 growing degree days (GDD), while the Van Duzer Corridor had 2624 GGD. This lower overall temperature leads to a longer growing season, longer “hangtime,” and—combined with the effects of the wind—thicker-skinned grapes.

Fun Fact: the original petition, filed by Jeff Havlin—chairman of the Van Duzer Corridor AVA Committee and owner of Havlin Vineyard—in 2011, listed the AVA’s name as “Perrydale Hills.” However, the TTB determined that the suggested name did not have sufficient national recognition (“viticultural significance”) and the name was eventually changed to Van Duzer Corridor.

Welcome to the world, Van Duzer Corridor AVA!

References/for more information:

Post authored by Jane A. Nickles – SWE’s Director of Education and Certification –  jnickles@societyofwineeducators.org

Welcome to the World, Upper Hudson AVA!



The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade and Tax Bureau (TTB) of the United States has approved a new American Viticultural Area (AVA), to be known as the Upper Hudson AVA. The new AVA will be in effect as of January 7, 2019.

The new AVA covers approximately 1,500 square miles in upstate New York, mainly located to the north and northeast of the city of Albany.  This brings the total number of AVAs in the US to 243.

The petition for the Upper Hudson AVA was originally submitted in July of 2015 by Kathleen and Andrew Weber of Northern Cross Vineyard. The new AVA lies to the north of the Hudson River Region AVA (established in 1982), but it does not overlap the boundaries of any existing AVAs.

The vineyards in the area are currently heavily planted to cold-hardy hybrids including Marquette, Frontenac, La Crescent, La Crosse, Itasca, Prairie Star, and Melody. Many of these grapes were developed at New York’s Cornell University or by Elmer Swenson at University of Minnesota specifically for cold climates. Some vinifera varieties (such as Muscat, Tai, and Cabernet Franc) are planted as well.

Boundary of the Upper Hudson AVA - from the AVA Petition (second boundary amendment) via the TTB

Boundary of the Upper Hudson AVA – from the AVA Petition (second boundary amendment) via the TTB

According to the original petition, the Upper Hudson AVA has a distinctly colder climate and shorter growing season than the surrounding areas. This is in large part due to the fact that many of the surrounding areas experience the temperature modifications of a nearby body of water (such as the Great Lakes to the north, and the Hudson River to the south). There is no such moderating influence on much of the area of the Upper Hudson AVA.

The Upper Hudson AVA is currently home to just over a dozen 20 wineries and vineyards—including Northern Cross Vineyard, Altamont Winery, and Hummingbird Hills Winery—and more than 60 acres (24 ha) of vines.

Welcome to the world, Upper Hudson AVA!

References/for more information

Post authored by Jane A. Nickles – SWE’s Director of Education and Certification –  jnickles@societyofwineeducators.org

New Grape Varieties approved for Austrian Wine

Vineyards in Kamptal - photo via: www.austrianwine.com

Vineyards in Kamptal – photo via: www.austrianwine.com

The Austrian Wine Marketing Board has just made a big announcement: four new grape varieties have been added to the list of “approved” varieties for use in the PGI and PDO wines of Austria! This makes for a total of 40 approved grapes, including 14 red and 26 white varieties, all of which will be valid for use as of the 2018 vintage.  All of the newly-approved grape varieties are white.

Here is a bit more information on these grapes:

Blütenmuskateller: Blütenmuskateller is a hybrid white grape variety created in Russia (then the USSR) in 1947. It is a somewhat complicated combination of Severny (itself a vinifera X amurensis hybrid) crossed with Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains. In Russia, the grape was known as Cvetocny (Cvetochny). The grape is renowned for its ability to achieve high sugar content and is often used in sweet wines. Wines based on Blütenmuskateller tend to show “grape-y” Muscat-like notes in addition to aromas of tropical fruit, flowers, perfume, and sweet spices such as nutmeg.

Goldmuskateller: Goldmuskateller is a golden-berried version of Muscat believed to be native to northern Italy—where it is known as Moscato Giallo and used in some of the DOC wines of Trentino and Alto Adige. It is most likely a descendant of Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains. Goldmuskateller is often used to produce sweet wines, but dry wines can be delightful as well. Goldmuskateller-based wines tend to show the rich fruit, “grape-like” aromas common to Muscat as well a deep yellow-gold color and musky-spicy-floral aromas and flavors.

Vineyards in Bergland - photo via: www.austrianwine.com

Vineyards in Bergland – photo via: www.austrianwine.com

Muscaris: Muscaris is a German-bred hybrid grape created via the combining of Solaris (a white-skinned hybrid of Merzling and Geisenheim) X Muskateller (Muscat). Muscaris grapes tend to develop high levels of sugar and acidity, making them a good choice for sparkling wines. Typical aromas include lemon, orange, tangerine, and “musky perfume.”

Souvignier Gris: Souvignier Gris is a pink-skinned, German-bred hybrid grape created via the union of Cabernet Sauvignon and Bronner (a white-skinned hybrid of Merzling and Geisenheim). Souvignier Gris is known for high must weights and somewhat neutral fruity-floral aromas reminiscent of Pinot Blanc.

Three of the new grape varieties—Blütenmuskateller, Muscaris, and Souvignier Gris—are considered to be particularly resistant to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and downy mildew. Such grapes are known as “PIWI” varieties (Pi = Pilz [fungus]; wi = widerstandsfähig [resistant]) and are well-suited to organic and sustainable viticulture.

Vineyards in Styria - photo via: www.austrianwine.com

Vineyards in Styria – photo via: www.austrianwine.com

Wine students might find it surprising that the list of newly-approved grape varieties includes hybrids. However, Austria has included hybrids (specifically Ráthay and Roesler) on its list of approved varieties for several years.

Click here for an updated list of:  The Austria 40-wine grapes approved for use in Austria

References/for more information:

Post authored by Jane A. Nickles – SWE’s Director of Education and Certification –  jnickles@societyofwineeducators.org

The Darnibole PDO



England and Wales have both had a set of PGI- and PDO-designated regulations for certain wines (both still and sparkling) since 2007. These regulations are approved for a range of grapes (including Chardonnay, Bacchus, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, and about 60 other grapes) and encompass the entirety of the countries’ geographical areas—save for those spots with an elevation higher than 220 meters (722 feet) above sea level.

However, since early 2017 England has also had a PDO for one very specific wine—Darnibole Bacchus—grown in one very specific 5-hectare (12.4-acre) plot and produced at one very specific winery. To date, Darnibole is the only single-vineyard wine in the UK to be awarded PDO status. Sounds interesting!

For starters, Darnibole PDO wine may only be produced at the Camel Valley Winery, located in Cornwall County in south east England. Darnibole PDO is a dry white wine made from 100% Bacchus grapes.

The regulations for Darnibole PDO are quite specific, and include the following:

  • Must be produced from 100% Bacchus grapes, grown in the specified region
  • Must be hand-harvested, and crushing must begin within 2 hours of the completion of the harvest
  • May not be acidified, de-acidified, chaptalized, or sweetened
  • Must be cold-pressed with minimal pressure and cold-fermented to dryness
  • May be racked and fined, but no animal products may be used at any point in the production process
  • Must be bottled under screw cap
Photo via: www.camelvalley.com/gallery

Photo via: www.camelvalley.com/gallery

The PDO application and document declare that the Bacchus wine produced in Darnibole is sufficiently different from the other Bacchus-based wines produced in England to warrant its own PDO, and may be described as follows: “Fresh with an expression of minerality providing for apple or gooseberry notes beginning at the front and persisting throughout. Occasionally, notes of kumquat and white peach appear and grassy notes at the end. Less obviously fruit-driven and more mineral than other Bacchus.”

The Darnibole PDO is of particular interest at this point in time, as it remains to be seen how the United Kingdom-based geographical indications (which include Scotch Whiskey, Irish Whiskey, and Stilton Cheese in addition to other products) will be handled after the UK exits the EU (if this does indeed come to pass). The subject was discussed a few weeks ago on the Drinks Business website.

 References/for more information:

 Post authored by Jane A. Nickles – SWE’s Director of Education and Certification –  jnickles@societyofwineeducators.org

Austria’s Styria presents: Junker Wine 2018!

Photo via: www.steirischerwein.at

Photo via: www.steirischerwein.at

Austria’s Styria presents: Junker Wine 2018!

First things first: It’s pronounced yun-ker. 

There have been some significant changes to the wine regulations of Austria’s Steiermark (Styria) region this year. For instance, all three of the wine-producing regions within the Federal State of Styria—Vulkanland Steiermark, Südsteiermark, and Weststeiermark—were declared to be Districtus Austriae Controllatus (DAC) regions. And just like that, the Schilcherland DAC, which was approved as a DAC for dry rosé produced using the Blauer Wildbacher variety in October of 2017, is now gone (poof!) although the famous Schilcher Rosé will continue to be produced under the new Weststeiermark DAC.

Specific details (and EU approval) of these new DACs is still in the works, so more details—as well as changes—are expected in the next few months. We’ll do our best to keep you posted.

However, it’s good to note that one thing remains unchanged, and that is the tradition of Der Steirische Junker (the release of the year’s first wines of Styria) on the Wednesday before Saint Martin’s Day (November 11). This year, the release fell on Wednesday, November 7.

Photo via: www.steirischerwein.at

Photo via: www.steirischerwein.at

Junker is a wine you’ll most likely need to travel to experience. These young, fresh, and fruity “nouveau” wines are produced in red, white, and rosé versions and may be made using any of the approved grapes of the region.

The release of Junker wine has been accompanied by huge Präsentationen held (since 1995) in Graz (the capital of Styria) and Wien (Vienna) to celebrate the new wines of the year produced in Styria. This year, over 200 Junker wines were released, including included those produced using the following varieties: Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Chardonnay (known here as Morillon), Pinot Blanc (Weissburgunder), Welschriesling, Pinot Gris (Grauburgunder),  Traminer, and Blauer Wildbacher (Schilcher).

From the looks of the pictures on the Junkerpräsentation website, it might be worth a trip.

References/for more information:

  • https://www.austrianwine.com/our-wine/wine-growing-regions/steiermark-styria/
  • https://www.austrianwine.com/our-wine/glossary/?tx_a21glossary%5Bletter%5D=J&cHash=811f21096db518a3e201d9a63e068541
  • https://www.steiermark.com/en/styria/destinations-for-day-trips/styrian-junker-presentation_p905227
  • https://www.steiermark.com/en/holiday/food-and-drink/delicatessen-stores/wine/grape-varieties
Post authored by Jane A. Nickles – SWE’s Director of Education and Certification –  jnickles@societyofwineeducators.org

Shuswap, Lillooet, Thompson Valley, and Kootenays (What’s new in British Columbia)

Photo via wines of British Columbia: http://winebc.com/

Photo via wines of British Columbia: http://winebc.com/

Shuswap, Lillooet, Thompson Valley, and Kootenays…what do these four things have in common?

They are newly-approved geographical indications (GIs) for quality wine in British Columbia (Canada)!  These four areas are all located just north of Washington State,  inland from British Columbia’s coastal wine-producing regions—Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and Fraser Valley—and somewhat to the north and east of the well-established Okanagan Valley and Similkameen Valley GIs.

Here’s a quick look at these four new regions:

Shuswap: Located in and around the shores of Shuswap Lake, the Shuswap GI is located just to the north of the Okanagan Valley in the mountains of the Coast Range (on the map, it’s located to the west of the city of Kamloops). At 50°59´N latitude, it is among the northern-most fine wine producing regions in the world.  This area has been producing wine since the late 1990s, focusing on cool-climate varietals. There are currently about 85 acres of commercial vineyards and ten licensed wineries in the area, including Larch Hills Winery, Baccarta Ridge Winery, Ovino Winery, and the irresistibly-named Edge of the Earth Vineyards. The name Shuswap is derived from the Shuswap (Secwepemc) First Nations people.

Map via Wines of British Columbia: http://winebc.com/

Map via Wines of British Columbia: http://winebc.com/

Lillooet: The Lillooet GI is located to the north of both the Fraser Valley and the Okanagan Valley, at just above 50°N in latitude. Despite this fact, however, the area can experience very warm days during the summer—as a matter of fact, this area sometimes clocks some of Canada’s highest temperatures during the summer days. The area is also dry, some years receiving as little as 13 inches (33 m) of rain. This is all due to the rain shadow and impressive gorges of the Coast Mountain Range. However, the high temperatures of the summer days drop steeply down at night, making this area slightly cooler overall than surrounding regions—considered the overall average temperature (hot days + cool nights). Commercial viticulture arrived in Lillooet in 2004, and there are currently 54 acres of vines, as well as one winery, Fort Berens Estate Winery in the area. The name is derived from the St’at’imc First Nations People, also known as the Lillooet Nation.

Thompson Valley: The Thompson Valley GI is located near the town of Kamloops—in and around the spot where the North Thompson River flows into the South Thompson River. Similar to the climate of Lillooet, the area is affected by the rain shadow of the Coast Mountains, and experiences some hot temperatures during the summer (accompanied by a nice diurnal swing). The area’s first commercial winery, Harper’s Trail Estate Winery, opened in 2012. The area boasts over 95 acres of vineyards and a handful of wineries—including Sagewood Winery and Privato Winery. The Thompson River and the Thompson Valley are named for David Thompson, an explorer and surveyor who mapped the entire length of the Columbia River in the early 1800s.

Photo via Wines of British Columbia: http://winebc.com/

Photo via Wines of British Columbia: http://winebc.com/

Kootenays: The Kootenays area, located along the southern border of British Columbia just to the east of the Okanagan Valley, is sometimes referred to as the “first shores” due to the fact that, according to geologists, the area was the original west coast of North America. The region has long been planted with apple orchards and is known for its many cider, cyser, and mead producers. Grapes have also been planted here, among the rivers, lakes, and waterfalls, since 1995. The Kootenays GI currently has just over 68 acres planted to vines and a handful of wineries, including Ballie-Grohman Estate Winery, Wynnwood Cellars, and Skimmerhorn Winery.   The area is named for the Kootenay River (and Kootenay Mountain), which are themselves named for the Kutenai First Nations people.



For those of you studying for advanced wine certifications, it might be noted that that British Columba now has a total of 12 GIs (10 GIs and two sub-GIs).   The entire list (as of October 1, 2018) is as follows:

  • British Columbia GI
  • Fraser Valley GI
  • Gulf Islands GI
  • Kootenays GI
  • Lillooet GI
  • Okanagan Valley GI (contains two sub-appellations: Golden Mile Bench GI and Okanagan Falls GI)
  • Shuswap GI
  • Similkameen Valley GI
  • Thomson Valley GI
  • Vancouver Island GI

*Keep those flashcards handy, however. There are two more sub-GIs in the pipeline: Skaha Bench and Naramata Bench (both of which are pending sub-GIs of the Okanagan Valley).

References/for more information:

Post authored by Jane A. Nickles – SWE’s Director of Education and Certification –  jnickles@societyofwineeducators.org

Introducing Burbujas Riojanas—Rioja Bubbles



Enquiring wine students most likely know that Cava—Spain’s well-known and widely-popular traditional method sparkling wines—can be produced in various parts of Spain. While the majority of Cava DO is produced in Catalonia, in reality the geographical indication for Cava spreads across eight regions of Spain, including La Rioja (and overlapping portions of the Rioja DOCa). While somewhat of a rarity, there are about five wineries that produce Cava within the confines of the Rioja DOCa. They have, in the past, been bottled under the Cava DO (and may continue to be).

However….as of 2019, consumers will be able to drink sparkling wines produced under the Rioja DOCa. That’s right…sparkling Rioja—known as Vino Espumoso de Calidad de Rioja DOCa—is now a thing. This is a big change in the rules and regulations concerning the wines of the Rioja DOCa; part of a wave of modernization and re-organization of the Rioja DOCa that has been brewing for the last few years. You may recall that last year (in 2017), single-village designations and single-vineyard designations were approved for wines produced under the Rioja DOCa.

Espumoso de Calidad de Rioja DOCa may be produced in white (blanco) and rosé (rosado/rosat) styles, and must be produced using the traditional method of sparkling wine production with the second fermentation occurring in the bottle. Any of the grape varieties approved for use in the still wines of the Rioja DOCa may be used in the production of these sparkling wines. The approved grapes include the following white varieties: Viura, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Verdejo, Malvasía, Garnacha Blanca, Tempranillo Blanca, Maturana Blanca, and Turruntés—and these red varieties: Tempranillo, Garnacha Tinta, Mazuelo, Graciano, and Maturana Tinta.



Further rules and regulations concerning Vino Espumoso de Calidad de Rioja DOCa include the following:

  • The finished wines must contain between 11% and 13% alcohol by volume.
  • All wines using the Espumoso de Calidad de Rioja DOCa must be sur lie aged (in the bottle, following the second fermentation) for a minimum of 15 months.
  • Those wines labeled as “reserva” must be sur lie aged in the bottle for a minimum of 24 months
  • Those wines labeled as “gran reserva” must be sur lie aged in the bottle for a minimum of 36 months
  • These wines may only have a limited amount of sugar, and may only be produced in the following styles: Brut (less than 12 g/L of residual sugar), Extra Brut (less than 6 g/L of residual sugar), and Brut Nature (less than 3 g/L of sugar, no dosage allowed).
  • Sparkling rosés must contain a minimum of 25% red grapes
  • The term “Vino Espumoso Gran Añada” may be used for vintage wines with the vintage date stated on the label.

I am looking forward to trying a sparkling wine from the Rioja DOCa and will be on the lookout for one beginning in 2019. Let us know if you find one!

References/for more information:

Post authored by Jane A. Nickles – SWE’s Director of Education and Certification –  jnickles@societyofwineeducators.org

SWE News: Digital Badges!



So…you studied for months, drew upon all the wisdom garnered through your years in the industry, experienced the last minute jitters and (finally) earned your CSW! Or your CSS, CWE, CSE, or HBSC!

Of course, now you’d like to tell the world, post it to LinkedIn, and make sure potential clients, employers (or maybe even dates) know what it means to have earned your credential.

Here’s how you can do that: download a digital badge (available via Acclaim) and post it to your social media accounts, your email signature, and use the jpeg to attach it to your paper resumes and business cards

Digital badges serve as verification of your credential and may be shared via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, and other websites. For old-fashioned paper uses, the badge may be added (as a jpeg image) to business cards, resumes, or any other printed materials.

Digital badges shared electronically provide a link that provides the following information:

  • Name, date, and title of the credential and the certifying agency
  • Links to a list of skills that are represented by earning the credential
  • Lists the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to earn the credential
  • Links to additional information about the credential (on the SWE website)
  • Links to related jobs and information about employer demand for the credential

For current holders of the CSW, CWE, CSS, and CSE certifications—as well as all current and future holders of the HBSC certificate, please contact Ben Coffelt of the SWE Home Office for information on how to claim your badge: bcoffelt@societyofwineeducators.org


For future CSS and CSW credential holders: information on how to claim your digital badge will be forwarded to you after completion of your certification exam at a Pearson Vue Testing Center.

For more information on digital badges click here: https://www.youracclaim.com/badge-overview


Sekt gets Serious!



Sekt gets Serious!

Last month (July 2018), the Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter (Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates, or VDP) has established a set of classifications—along with some strict regulations—regarding Sekt (sparkling wines) produced by its member estates.

The four levels of Sekt Classification mirror the already-established levels of the VDP pyramid for still wine and include (in increasing order of quality) VDP Gutswein, VDP Ortswein, VDP Erste Lage, and VDP Grosse Lage. All VDP Sekt must be harvested by hand, pressed via whole cluster pressing, and made using the traditional method (second fermentation in the bottle) of sparkling wine production. Additional regulations include the following:

  • VDP Sekt Gutswein: Grapes must stem from Gutswein-designated estate vineyards, and the wine must be aged on the lees for a minimum of 15 months.
  • VDP Sekt Ortswein: Grapes must stem from Ortswein-designated estate vineyards, and the wine must be aged on the lees for a minimum of 15 months.
  • VDP Sekt Erste Lage: Grapes must stem from Erste Lage-designated estate vineyards, and the wine must be aged on the lees for a minimum of 36 months.
  • VDP Sekt Grosse Lage: Grapes must stem from Grosse Lage-designated estate vineyards, and the wine must be aged on the lees for a minimum of 36 months.

According to the website of the VDP, the focus of this new quality strategy is “good sekt from the beginning”. Further details regarding the qualifications for each level of the VDP Sekt classifications may be found in the official documentation of the VDP Sekt Statute (see below).

References/for more information:

Post authored by Jane A. Nickles…your blog administrator: jnickles@societyofwineeducators.org

Welcome to the World, Terres du Midi PGI!

The town of St. Chinian (Hérault Department)

The town of St. Chinian (Hérault Department)

As of July 5, 2018, the National Committee for Protected Geographical Indications of the Institut National de l’Origine et de la Qualité (INAO) approved a new PGI for France:  Terres du Midi PGI. The new PGI is approved for still, blended wines—in red, white, and rosé—produced in the Gard, Hérault, Aude and Pyrénées-Orientales departments. The new PGI is approved for use as of the 2018 vintage.



With the approval of the Terres du Midi PGI, there are now a total of 75 wine-related PGIs in France. There are no plans, at this time, to eliminate any of the overlapping or the departmental IGPs of the area, which is centered on the Languedoc & Roussillon areas of France.

References/for further information: